Jury Duty

The Pittsylvania County Clerk of Court Office administers jury service in criminal and civil cases the County courts. Potential jurors are selected randomly by the jury commissioners using lists designated by the courts, such as the voter registration list. All County residents over the age of 18 have an equal chance of being selected. 

Juror questionnaires are mailed to a large, random sampling of Pittsylvania County adults annually. If you receive a questionnaire, you must submit it within 10 days to avoid action by the court. The submitted results of these questionnaires are used to develop a pool of eligible, qualified jurors. 

If you fail to complete a juror questionnaire or appear for jury service when you were summoned, you will be contacted by the Court. A judge may summon you to appear before the court so that you can explain why you missed service. The judge may deem that you were in contempt of court.

Jury Scams
Why Did I Receive a Questionnaire in the Mail?
How Are Jurors Chosen?
How Long Does Jury Duty Take?
What Happens if I Don't Report to Jury Duty?
What Are the Exemptions for Jury Duty?